Element of the Month- Seaborgium (element 106, named after Glenn T. Seaborg. symbol is SG, synthetic element; meaning it can be created in a laboratory but not found in nature.)



be careful around hell. okay? be safe. . . we care about you. dispite what the word tells you. it's dangerous, but we care for you. we are here for you!


if you need help anywhere in hell press the "HELPBUTTON" this button will direct you to this page.
if you are uncomforable with anything in hell, dont be afraid to hit the button! we all need time. dont worry. alright? in this hell, we love you.


first blog (txt)- helloooo guys!! i hope i'm getting better at coding! im going to even try to actually code my front page (in the future though, because i think, personally im not ready so imma keep practicing!) -end of first blog(txt)-

2nd blog (txt)- haiii getting super good at coding!!! coded this whole page (with one template for the base) and took inspo others, luv yall!!!!!!!! -end of second blog(txt)-

3rd blog (txt)- Got home from school and im coding a lil luv ya'll -end of third blog(txt)-

joshua is gonna be with you every step of the way!!